- Siamopoulos ΚC, Wilkinson R, Campbell R, Boddy Κ: Α combination of chlorthalidon (12.5mg) and atenolol (50mg) in the elderly. Drugs 25 (suppl.2): 88-90, 1983.
- Sellars L, Siamopoulos ΚC, Wilkinson R, Leohapand Τ, Morley AR: Renal biopsy appearances in rheumatoid disease: Predominance of mesangial change. Clin Nephrol 20(3): 114-120, 1983.
- Siamopoulos ΚC, Sellars L, Mishra SC, Essenhing DM, Robson V, Wilkinson R: Experience in the management of hypertension with unilateral chronic pyelonephritis: Results of nephrectomy in selected patients. Q J Med 207: 349-362, 1983.
- Ramos JM, Gokal R, Siamopoulos ΚC, Ward MK, Wilkinson R, Kerr DNS: Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Three years experience. Q J Med 206: 165-186, 1983.
- Siamopoulos KC, Antoniades Α, Acritides NK, Constantopoulos SH, Tsianos EB, Papapanagiotou IK, Moutsopoulos HM: An outbreak of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Greece. European J Clin Microbiol Vol 4, No 2: 132-134, 1985.
- Sellars L, Siamopoulos ΚC, Wilkinson R: Prognosis for pregnancy after correction of renovascular hypertension. Nephron 39: 280-281, 1985.
- Sellars L, Siamopoulos ΚC, Hacking PM, Pround G, Taylor RMR, Essenhigh DM, Wilkinson R: Renovascular hypertension: Ten years experience in a regional center. Q J Med 56, No 219: 403-416, 1985.
- Siamopoulos KC, Mavridis AK, Elisaf Μ, Drosos AA, Moutsopoulos HM: Kidney involvement in primary Sjogren's syndrome. Scand J Rheum 61: 156-160, 1986.
- Le Duc JW, Antoniades Α, Siamopoulos ΚC: Epidemiological investigations following an outbreak of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Greece. Am J Trop Med 35(3): 654-659, 1986.
- Siamopoulos ΚC, Wilkinson R: Hypertension in chronic pyelonephritis. Contr to Nephrology 54: 119-123, 1987.
- Pavlidis Ν, Drosos Α, Galanopoulou V, Siamopoulos ΚC, Tsianos Ε, Moutsopoulos HM: The natural history of primary Sjogren's syndrome: a clinical study. Therapeut Arch 4: 64-67, 1988.
- Mihatsch MJ, Bach JF, Coovadia HM, Moutsopoulos HM, Drosos Α, Siamopoulos ΚC, Noel LH, Ramsarop R, Hallgren R, Svenson Κ, Bohman SO: Cyclosporin - Associated Nephropathy in patients with autoimmune diseases. Klin Wochenschr 66: 43-47, 1988.
- Siamopoulos ΚC, Eleftheriades Η, Pappas Μ, Sferopoulos G, Tsolas Ο: Ovine corticotropin - releasing hormone stimulation test in patients with chronic renal failure: pharmacokinetic properties and plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone and serum cortisol responses. Hormone Research 30: 17-21, 1988.
- Elisaf Μ, Litou Η, Siamopoulos KC: Survival after severe Iatrogenic Hypernatremia. Am J Kidney Dis 14(3), 230-231, 1989.
- Siamopoulos ΚC, Dardamanis Μ, Kyriaki D, Pappas Μ, Sferopoulos G, Alevisou V: Pituitary adrenal responsiveness to corticotropin - releasing hormone in chronic uremic patients. Perit Dial Int 10: 153-156, 1990.
- Siamopoulos KC, Tsianos EV, Dardamanis Μ, Berecos C: Esophageal Dysfunction in chronic Hemodialysis patients. Nephron 55: 389-393, 1990.
- Kalef-Ezra J, Siamopoulos KC, Karantanas A, Xatzikonstantinou J, Sferopoulos G, Yasumura S, Glaros D. Alterations of bone minerals in uremic patients and renal graft recipients. Basic Life Sci, 55: 89-93, 1990
- Elisaf Μ, Drosos AA, Siamopoulos KC: Renal tubular acidosis type IV in Wegener's Granulomatosis. J Nephrology 1: 59-60, 1991.
- Tzaphlidou Μ, Siamopoulos KC, Glaros D: Abnormal collagen fibril structure of Skin in chronic haemodialysis patients. An electron microscopic study. Micron and Microscopica Acta 22: 1-8, 1991 (Επιλεγμένηδημοσίευσηκαιστοπεριοδικό Dermatology Digest 5: 17-18, 1992).
- Elisaf Μ, Tsianos Ε, Mavridis Α, Dardamanis Μ, Pappas Μ, Siamopoulos KC: Antibodies against hepatitis C virus (anti - HCV) in hemodialysis patients: association with hepatitis Β serologic markers. Nephrol Dial Transpl 6: 476-479, 1991.
- Elisaf Μ, Dardamanis Μ, Pappas Μ, Sferopoulos G, Siamopoulos KC: Treatment of nephrotic hyperlipidemia with lovastatin. Clinical Nephrology 36: 50-52, 1991.
- Siamopoulos KC: Hypertension in Greece. (In French). Panorama Du Medicine Ν
- Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf Μ, Pappas Μ: Severe asymptomatic hyperglycemia in a non - diabetic CAPD patient. Perit Dial Int 12: 72-73, 1992.
- Elisaf Μ, Dardamanis Μ, Pappas Μ, Sferopoulos G, Siamopoulos KC: Long term treatment of nephrotic hyperlipidemia with lovastatin. Cardiovasc Risk Factors 2: 387-392, 1992 (Δημοσίευση και στο περιοδικό Ελληνική Νεφρολογία 4(2): 111-117, 1992.
- Elisaf Μ, Siamopoulos KC, Bouradas Κ, Papagalanis Ν, Pavlidis Ν: Serum anion gap in multiple myeloma patients. Eur J Intern Med 3: 229-232, 1992.
- Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf Μ, Drosos AA, Mavridis AA, Moutsopoulos HM: Renal tubular acidosis in primary Sjogren's syndrome. Clin Rheumatol 11: 226-230, 1992.
- Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf Μ, Antoniadis Α, Moutsopoulos HM: Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in an Endemic Area of Greece. Am J Nephrol 12: 170-173, 1992.
- Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf Μ, Dardamanis Μ, Sferopoulos G, Pappas Μ: Effects of isradipine on hypertension and renal hemodynamics. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 19(3): S 87-S 89, 1992 (Δημοσίευση και στο περιοδικό Ελληνική Νεφρολογία 4: 308-311, 1991).
- Kalef - Ezra J, Glaros D, Klouvas G, Hatzikonstantinou J, Karantanas Α, Siamopoulos KC, Pavlidis Ν: New evidence that tamoxifen does not induce osteoporosis: a nuclear activation analysis and absorptiometry study. Br J Radiol 65: 417-420, 1992.
- Elisaf Μ, Boulgarelis Μ, Siamopoulos KC: Idiopathic oedema in a male. Eur J Intern Med 1(6): 376-377, 1992 (Δημοσίευση και στο περιοδικό Ελληνική Νεφρολογία 4(3): 183-185, 1992.
- Drosos AA, Sakkas LI, Goussia Α, Siamopoulos KC, Moutsopoulos HM: Pulse cyclophosphamide therapy in Wegener's granulomatosis: a pilot study. J Intern Med 232: 279-282, 1992.
- Cassioumis D, Fatouros Μ, Siamopoulos KC, Giannoukas Α: Short and Long term evaluation of arteriovenous Fistulas for chronic hemodialysis. Microsurgery 13: 236-237, 1992.
- Elisaf Μ, Kaftatzis Κ, Siamopoulos KC: Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome: diagnostic value of the radiologic manifestations. Cyprus Med J 10: 10-14, 1992.
- Elisaf Μ, Papagalanis ND, Siamopoulos KC: The importance of serum sodium in the symptomatology of hyperglycemic - induced hypertonicity. J Nephrol 6(4): 202-205, 1993 (Δημοσίευση και στο περιοδικό Ελληνική Νεφρολογία 6: 58-62, 1994).
- Elisaf Μ, Papanikolaou Ν, Letzaris G, Dimoliatis J, Siamopoulos KC: Atherosclerotic risk factors in female students of Northwestern Greece. J Hum Hypertens 7: 533-537, 1993.
- Elisaf Μ, Korakis Η, Siamopoulos KC: Chronic renal dysfunction in hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome patients. Renal Failure 15(5): 623-627, 1993. pdf
- Elisaf Μ, Antoniadis Α, Siamopoulos KC: Mild human infections of HFRS in Northwestern Greece. J Vir Dis 1(2): 28-30, 1993.
- Elisaf Μ, Stefanaki S, Repanti Μ, Korakis Η, Tsianos Ε, Siamopoulos KC: Liver involvement in haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. J Clin Gastroenterol 17(1): 33-37, 1993. (ΔημοσίευσηκαιστοπεριοδικόΕλληνικήΓαστρεντερολογία 5(1): 33-37, 1992. pdf
- Elisaf Μ, Dardamanis Μ,Papagalanis ND, Siamopoulos KC: Lipid abnormalities in chronic uremic patients. Response to treatment with gemfibrozil. Scand J Urol Nephrol 27: 101-108, 1993.
- Elisaf M, Theodorou J, Pappas H, Siamopoulos KC: Acid-base and electrolyte abnormalities in febrile patients with bacteraemia. Eur J Med 2: 404-407, 1993.
- Kappas Α, Fatouros Μ, Siamopoulos ΚC, Mylonakis Μ, Cassioumis D: Phosphatidylcholine and Intraperitoneal Adhesions. Perit Dial Int 13(Supp 2): 77-78, 1993.
- Tsianos EV, Dalekos GN, Elisaf Μ, Zervou Ε, Siamopoulos KC: High frequency of antibodies to Hantaan virus and Hepatitis C virus in haemodialysis patients. Coincidence or cross-reaction. J Intern Med 234: 607-610, 1993.
- Kalef-Ezra JA, Karantanas AH, Hatzikonstantinou I, Sferopoulos G, Glaros DK, Siamopoulos KC: Bone mineral status following Renal Transplantation: assessment by non-invasive techniques. Invest Radiology 29 (2): 127-133, 1994.
- Elisaf M, Bairaktari H, Tsolas O, Tzallas C, Germanos N, Koulouridis E, Pappas M and Siamopoulos KC: Lipid parameters including Lp(a) in haemodialysis patients. Renal Failure 16(4): 501-509, 1994. pdf
- Siamopoulos KC: Virus related acute renal failure. The clinical course and outcome of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. Nephrol Dial Trasnplant 9 (Suppl):111-115, 1994 and a. Renal Failure 16(3): 303-312, 1994 (Invited review). pdf
- Tsianos EV, Dardamanis Μ, Vasakos S, Elisaf Μ, Siamopoulos KC: The value of a-amylase determination in patients with chronic renal failure. Intern J Pancreatology 15(2): 105-111, 1994.
- Papagalanis Ν, Genadiou Μ, Karabatsos Α, Fenekos Κ, Elisaf Μ, Kourti Α, Zacharof Α, Siamopoulos ΚC, Mountokalakis Τ: Effect of an acute oral protein loading on microalbuminuria in uninephrectomized subjects in relation to the time since nephrectomy. Nephron 68: 169-179, 1994.
- Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf Μ, Moutsopoulos HM: Hypokalemic paralysis as the presenting manifestation of primary Sjogren's syndrome. Nephrol Dial Transpl 9: 1176-1178, 1994. pdf
- Εlisaf M, Merkouropoulos M, Tsianos E, Siamopoulos KC: Acid-base and electrolyte abnormalities in alcoholic patients. Mineral Electr Metab 20: 274-281, 1994. (Δημοσίευσηκαιστοπεριοδικό Hellenic J Gastroenterology 7(3): 203-211, 1994).
- Elisaf M, Siamopoulos KC: Pulmonary involvement in HFRS patients in Greece. Chest 107: 588-589, 1995.
- Elisaf M, Siamopoulos KC: Fractional excretion of potassium in normal subjects and in patients with hypokalemia. Postgraduate Medical Journal 71: 211-212, 1995.
- Bastani B, Haragsim L, Gluck S, Siamopoulos KC: Lack of H-ATPase in distal nephron causing hypokalaemic distal RTA in a patient with Sjogren's syndrome. Nephrol Dial Transplant 10: 908-909, 1995. pdf
- Elisaf M, Siamopoulos KC: Bacteremia - induced hypomagnesemia. Magnesium - Bulletin 17(2): 70-73, 1995.
- Dalekos GN, Zervou E, Karabini F, Elisaf M, Bourantas K, Siamopoulos KC: Prevalence of antibodies to human T-lymphotropic virus types I and II volunteer blood donors and high risk groups in Northwestern Greece. Transfusion 35: 503-506, 1995.
- Elisaf M, Bairaktari Ε, Tsolas O, Siamopoulos KC: Lipoprotein (a) levels in diabetics on chronic hemodialysis. J Nephrology 8:198-201, 1995.
- Elisaf M, Theodorou J, Pappas H, Siamopoulos KC: Successful treatment of hyponatremia with converting enzyme inhibitors in patients with heart failure. Cardiology 86: 477-480, 1995.
- Elisaf M, Papagalanis N, Siamopoulos KC: Pathogenetic mechanisms of alkalemia in acute renal failure patients. It J Mineral and Electr Metabolim 9:27-29, 1995.
- Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf M, Bairaktari Ε, Pappas M, Sferopoulos G, Nikolakakis N: Lipid parameters including lipoprotein (a) in patients undergoing CAPD and haemodialysis. Perit Dial Int 15:342-347, 1995.
- Elisaf M, Katopodis K, Bourantas K, Siamopoulos KC: Hyperkalemic hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis in a patient with sickle cell β-thalassemia. Am J Hematol 50:151-152, 1995.
- Dardamanis MA, Elisaf MS, Vasakos SA, Tsianos EV, Siamopoulos KC: α -Amylase and isoamylase levels in renal transplant recipients compared to uremic patients. Renal Failure 17(6):715-719, 1995. pdf
- Elisaf M, Bairaktari ΕT, Tzallas Ch, Germanos NK, Siamopoulos KC: Atherogenic lipid and lipoprotein parameters in hemodialysis patients. Dial Transplant 24(11):642-650, 1995.
- Elisaf M, Mickhailidis D, Siamopoulos KC: Dyslipidemia in patients with renal diseases. J Drug Dev Clin Pract, 7:331-348, 1995 (Invited review).
- Εlisaf M, Merkouropoulos M, Tsianos E, Siamopoulos KC: Pathogenetic mechanisms of hypomagnesemia in alcoholic patients. J Trace Εlements Med Biol, 9:210-214, 1995.
- Elisaf M, Pappas H, Siamopoulos KC: Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome presenting as acute renal failure with severe hyperkalemia. Nephron 72: 497-498, 1996 (Δημοσιευμένη και στο περιοδικό Ελληνική Νεφρολογία 8(1): 86-89, 1996.
- Karantanas AH, Kalef-Ezra JA, Sferopoulos G, Siamopoulos KC: Quantitative computed tomography for spinal bone mineral measurements in chronic renal failure. Br J Radiol 69: 132-136, 1996.
- Siogas C, Goudevenos J, Pappas S, Foussas S, Graekas G, Siamopoulos KC, Sideris D: Usefulness of renal arteriography following coronary angiography. J Invas Cardiol 8: 223-227, 1996.
- Elisaf M, Katopodis K, Siamopoulos KC: Lp(a) concentration and serum albumin levels in hemodialysis patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant 11:908, 1996. pdf
- Karabina S-AP, Elisaf MC, Goudevenos J, Siamopoulos KC, Sideris D, Tselepis A: PAF-acetylhydrolase activity on Lp(a) before and during Cu2+-induced oxidative modification in vitro. Atherosclerosis 125:121-134, 1996. pdf
- Elisaf M, Pappas H, Kalaitzidis R, Theodorou J, Siamopoulos KC: Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in hemodialysis patients. J Hum Hypertens 10(Supl 3):S43-S47, 1996
- Elisaf M, Siamopoulos KC: Survival after severe diabetic ketoacidosis. Eur J Intern Med7:107-108, 1996.
- Elisaf MS, Milionis HJ, Siamopoulos KC: Agranulocytosis due to long-term vancomycin treatment. Eur J Intern med 7:132, 1996.
- Elisaf MS, Bairaktari ET, Tzallas CS, Siamopoulos KC: The hypolipidemic effectiveness of antacids containing aluminum alone and in combination with small doses of pravastatin. J Drug Dev Clin Pract 8:101-107, 1996.
- Tsatsoulis A, Pappas Η, Elisaf M, Siamopoulos KC: Thyroxin induced Addisonian Crisis in a patient with unrecognized autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type II. Eur J Intern Med 7:127-129, 1996
- Siamopoulos KC, Papanikolaou S, Elisaf M, Theodorou J, Pappas H, Papanikolaou N: Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in normotensive pregnant women. J Hum Hypertens 10 (Suppl 3):S51-S54, 1996.
- Elisaf M, Siamopoulos KC: Lipoprotein (a) concentration in patients with renal diseases. Am J Kidney Dis 28:307-309, 1996.
- Elisaf M, Konstantinides A, Siamopoulos KC: Chronic hyponatremia due to reset osmostat in a patient with colon cancer. Am J Nephrol 16:349-351, 1996.
- Elisaf M, Bairaktari Ε, Siamopoulos KC: Lp(a) levels in Greek patients with heterogenous familial hypercholesterolemia. Intern J Cardiol 53:314-316, 1996.pdf
- Elisaf M, Papanikolaou N, Letzaris G, Siamopoulos KC: Smoking habit in female studies of North-western Greece: relation to other cardiovascular risk factors. J Royal Soc Health 116: 87-90, 1996.
- Dalekos GN, Elisaf MS, Papagalanis N, Tzallas Ch, Siamopoulos KC: Elevated interleukin-1β in the circulation of patients with essential hypertension before any drug therapy: A pilot study. Eur J Clin Invest 26: 936-939, 1996.
- Elisaf M, Siamopoulos KC: Are the increased Lp(a) levels in hemodialysis patients related to glucose intolerance and hemodialysis duration? Nephron 74: 623-624, 1996.
- Elisaf MS, Milionis HJ, Siamopoulos KC: Chronic hyponatremia secondary to reset osmostat in a patient with advanced ovary cancer. J Exp Clin Cancer Res 15: 313-314, 1996.
- Katopodis K, Elisaf M, Siamopoulos KC. Hypophosphatemia in patient with Gitelman's Syndrome. Nephrol Dial Transplant 11: 2090-2092, 1996. pdf
- Elisaf M, Bairaktari E, Nicolaides C, Fountzilas G, Tzallas Ch, Siamopoulos KC, Tsolas O, Pavlidis N: The beneficial effect of tamoxifen (TMX) on the serum lipoprotein a levels: an additional anti-atherogenic property. Anticancer Res 16: 2725-2728, 1996.
- Elisaf MS, Siamopoulos KC: Serum anion gap: reevaluation of normal values. Br J Clin Pract 50(7): 411, 1996.
- Elisaf M, Bairaktari E, Tzallas Ch, Milionis H, Siamopoulos KC: Increased Lp(a) levels in patients with proteinuria. Cardiovasc Risk Factors 6; 289-293, 1996.
- Tselepis A, Elisaf M, Goudevenos J, Tselegaridis Th, Bairaktari E, Siamopoulos KC, Sideris D: Lipid profile in patients with microvascular angina. Eur J Clin Invest 26; 1150-1155, 1996.
- Elisaf M, Tsatsoulis AA, Katopodis K, Siamopoulos KC: Acid-base and electrolyte disturbances in patients with diabetic ketoacidosis. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 34: 23-27, 1996. pdf
- Elisaf M, Bairaktari E, Germanos N, Pappas M, Koulouridis E, Papagalanis N, Siamopoulos KC: Long-term effects of low molecular weight heparin on lipid parameters in hemodialysis patients. Int Angiol 15: 252-256, 1996.
- Elisaf M, Siamopoulos KC: Mechanisms of hypokalemia in alcoholic patients. Ital J Mineral Electrolyte Metab 10: 159-163, 1996.
- Elisaf M, Germanos N, Bairaktari E, Pappas M, Koulouridis E, Siamopoulos KC: Effects of conventional vs low molecular weight heparin on lipid profile in hemodialysis patients. Am J Nephrol 17: 153-157, 1997. A Long-term use of LMWH favorably affects lipids. Kidney 7(1): 37, 1998
- Elisaf M, Siamopoulos KC: Diagnosis and treatment of hyponatraemia in SIAD. Nephrol Dial Transplant 12: 1079, 1997. pdf
- Dalekos G, Elisaf M, Bairaktari E, Tsolas O, Siamopoulos KC: Increased serum levels of interleukin-1β in the systemic circulation of patients with essential hypertension: An additional risk factor for atherogenesis in hypertensive patients? J Lab Clin Med 129(3): 300-308, 1997. pdf
- Elisaf M, Siamopoulos KC, Tselegarides T, Bairaktari E, Goudevenos J, Tselepis A, Tsolas O, Sideris D: Lipid abnormalities in Greek patients with coronary artery disease. Intern J Cardiol 59: 177-184, 1997. pdf
- Elisaf M, Milionis H, Siamopoulos KC: Electrolyte abnormalities in elderly patients admitted to general medical ward. Geriatr Nephrol Urol 7: 73-79, 1997.
- Elisaf M, Bairaktari E, Tzallas C, Siamopoulos KC: Lipoprotein (a) concentration in patients with various dyslipidemias. Ann Med 29: 305-309,1997.
- Elisaf M, Milionis H, Tomos P, Siamopoulos KC: Multiple metabolic abnormalities in a patient with essential thrombocytosis. Platelets 8: 275-277, 1997. pdf
- Karabina S-AP, Elisaf M, Bairaktari E, Tzallas C, Siamopoulos KC, Tselepis A: Increased activity of platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase in low-density lipoprotein subfractions induces enhanced lysophosphatidylcholine production during oxidation in patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia. Eur J Clin Invest 27: 595-602, 1997.
- Elisaf M, Milionis H, Siamopoulos KC: The mechanism of the increased serum urea levels in upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage. Eur J Int Med 8: 127-129, 1997.
- Elisaf M, Milionis H, Siamopoulos KC: Hypomagnesemic hypokalemia and hypocalcemia: clinical and laboratory characteristics. Miner Electrolyte Metab 23: 105-112, 1997.
- Elisaf M, Terrovitou Ch, Tomos P, Siamopoulos KC: Severe hyperkalaemia after corimoxazole administration in a patient with hyporeninaemic hypoaldosteronism. Nephrol Dial Transplant 12: 1254-1255, 1997. pdf
- Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf M: Is CAPD atherogenic? (Editorial) Perit Dial Transplant 17: 227-231, 1997.
- Katopodis KP, Elisaf MS, Pappas HA, Theodorou JCh, Milionis HJ, Bourantas KL, Siamopoulos KC: Renal abnormalities in patients with sickle cell-beta thalassemia. J Nephrol 10(3): 163-167, 1997. pdf
- Elisaf M, Bairaktari E, Tzallas C, Liberopoulos E, Siamopoulos KC: Lipid profile in Greek patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia. Hellenic Med J 2: 53-58, 1997.
- Elisaf M, Siamopoulos KC: Mechanisms of hypophosphataemia in alcoholic patients. Int J Clin Pract 51(8): 501-503, 1997.
- Elisaf M, Bouradas K, Siamopoulos KC: Pronounced electrolyte abnormalities in a patient with acute leukemia. Haematologica 82: 384, 1997. pdf
- Elisaf M, Panteli K, Theodorou J, Siamopoulos KC: Fractional excretion of magnesium in normal subjects and in patients with hypomagnesemia. Magnesium Research 10(4): 315-320, 1997.
- Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf M, Katopodis K. Iatrogenic hyperkalaemia - points to consider in diagnosis and management. Nephrol Dial Transplant 13:2402-2406, 1997.pdf
- Elisaf M, Siamopoulos KC: Acid-base and electrolyte abnormalities in patients with congestive heart failure. Exp Clin Cardiol 2: 140-144, 1997.
- Elisaf M, Bairaktari E, Kalaitzidis R, Siamopoulos KC: Hypomagnesemia in alcoholic patients. J Alcoholism Clin & Experiment Research 22:134, 1998. pdf
- Papayianni L, Katopodis K, Kosmanou J, Banioti A, Katsaraki A, Palatzidou M, Prokopiou F, Betsiou V, Siamopoulos KC. The control of hypophosphatemia in haemodialysis ptients. EDTNA ERCA J 23(4): 25-27, 1997.
- Bairaktari E, Katopodis K, Siamopoulos KC, Tsolas O: Paraquat-induced renal injury studied by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of urine. Clin Chem 44(6): 1256-1261, 1998. pdf
- Elisaf M, Kalaitzidis R, Siamopoulos KC: Multiple electrolyte abnormalities after pamidronate administration. Nephron 79: 337-339, 1998.
- Dalekos GN, Boumba DS, Katopodis K, Zervou E, Sferopoulos G, Elisaf M, Tsianos EV, Siamopoulos KC: Absence of HCV viraemia in anti-HCV-negative haemodialysis patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant 13: 1804-1806, 1998. pdf
- Elisaf M, Bairaktari E, Nicolaides C, Fountzilas G, Tzallas C, O, Siamopoulos KC, Pavlidis N. Do LH-RH analogues induce similar to tamoxifen on serum lipid parameters in premenopausal women with breast cancer? A prospective study. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 8: 101-105, 1998.
- Dalekos GN, Zervou E, Elisaf M, Germanos N, Galanakis E, Bourantas K, Siamopoulos KC, Tsianos EV: Antibodies to hepatitis E virus among several populations in Greece: increased prevalence in an haemodialysis unit. Transfusion 38: 589-595, 1998.
- Elisaf M, Katopodis K, Katsaraki A, Pappas M, Liberopoulos E, Siamopoulos KC: Serum magnesium levels in patients undergoing chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Trace Elem Elec 15: 155-158, 1998.
- Bairaktari E, Elisaf M, Tsolas O, Siamopoulos KC: Serum Lp(a) levels in patients with moderate renal failure. Nephron 79: 367-368, 1998.
- Elisaf M, Bairaktari E, Katopodis K, Pappas M, Sferopoulos G, Tzallas Ch, Tsolas O, Siamopoulos KC: Effect of L-carnitine supplementation on lipid parameters in hemodialysis patients. Am J Nephrol 18: 416-421, 1998.
- Elisaf M, Siamopoulos KC: Hyperventilation after drug abuse: how are the observed acid-base and electrolyte abnormalities interpreted? Nephrol Dial Transplant 13: 2975-2976, 1998.
- Elisaf MS, Siamopoulos KC: Disorders of water, electrolyte and acid-base balance in alcoholic patients. Clinical Nephrology 50: 390, 1998.
- Dalekos GN, Zervou EK, Elisaf M, Boumba DS, Katopodis K, Sferopoulos GS, Siamopoulos KC, Tsianos EV. Increased prevalence of markers of GBV-C/HGV infection in a selected cohort of haemodialysis patients negative for other blood-borne viruses. Nephrol Dial Transplant 14: 255-256, 1999. pdf
- Elisaf M, Tselepis A, Siamopoulos KC. Selective imidazoline receptor agonists and lipid metabolism. Clin Chem Lab Med 37(2): 165, 1999.
- Elisaf M, Karabina S-AP, Bairaktari E, Goudevenos JA, Siamopoulos KC, Tselepis AD. Increased plateles reacivity to the aggregatory effect of platelet acivating factor, in vitro, in patients with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia. Platelets 10: 124-131, 1999.
- Elisaf MS, Kalaitzidis RG, Goudevenos JA, Katsaraki AE, Sideris DA, Siamopoulos KC. Blood pressure profile in patients with microvascular angina. Coronary Artery Dis, 10: 257-259, 1999.
- Milionis HJ, Elisaf MS, Tselepis A, Bairaktari E, Karabina S-A, Siamopoulos KC: Apolipoprotein (a) phenotypes and lipoprotein (a) concentrations in patients with renal faiulre. Am J Kidney Dis, 33(6): 1100-1106, 1999. pdf
- Christou L, Hatzimixael E, Sotsiou-Candila F, Siamopoulos KC, Bourantas KL: A patient with multiple myeloma, amyloidosis and light-chain deposition disease in kidneys with a long survival. Acta Haematol, 101:202-205, 1999.
- Stamatelatos IE, Katopodis K, Kalef-Ezra JA, Lefcopoulos GL, Siamopoulos KC. Serum aluminum determination by instrumental neutron activation analysis in long-term haemodialysis patients. Journal of Radionalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 214:483-486, 1999. pdf
- Elisaf M, Tsimichodimos V, Bairaktari E, Siamopoulos KC: Effect of Micronized fenofibrate and losartan combination on uric acid metabolism in hypertensive patients with hyperuricemia. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol, 34 (1): 60-63, 1999.
- Bairaktari E, Elisaf M, Katsaraki A, Tsimihodimos V, Tselepis A, Siamopoulos KC, Tsolas O. Homogeneous HDL-Cholesterol assay versus ultracetnrifugation / dextran sulfate -Mg2+ precipitation and dextran sulfate - Mg2+ precipitation in healthy population and in hemodialysis patients. Clin Biochem, 32 (5): 339-346, 1999. pdf
- Elisaf MS, Petris C, Bairaktari E, Karabina S-A, Tzallas C, Tselepis A, Siamopoulos KC. The effect of moxonidine on plasma lipid profile and on LDL subclass distribution. J Hum Hyperten, 13: 781-785 1999.
- Elisaf MS, Theodorou J, Pappas H, Papagalanis N, Katopodis K, Kalaitzidis R, Siamopoulos KC. Effectiveness and metabolid effects of perindopril and diuretics combination in primary hypertension. J Hum Hypertens, 13: 787-791, 1999.
- Ikonomou M, Katopodis K, Nousia P, Tzalavra E, Koliousi E, Tsaliou V, Katsaraki A, Betsiou V, Dimitriou A, Theodorou J, Siamopoulos KC. Peritoneal membrane transport for low molecular weight substances with the use of one bag dialysate collection. EDTNA ERCA 25(2): 22-23, 1999.
- Elisaf MS, Tomos P, Milionis HJ, Siamopoulos KC. Prerenal azotemia in a diabetic patient with hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism and autonomic neuropathy. Diabetes Metab 25: 344-346, 1999. pdf
- Milionis HJ, Bourantas CL, Siamopoulos KC. Elisaf MS. Acid-base and electolyte abnormalities in patients with acute leukemia. Am J Hetalol 62: 201-207, 1999. pdf
- Milionis HJ, Elisaf MS, Karabina S-A, Bairaktari E, Tselepis AD, Siamopoulos KC. Plasma and Lp (a)-associated PAF-acetylhydrolase activity in uremic patients undergoing different dialysis procedures. Kidney Int 56: 2276-2285, 1999. pdf
- Elisaf MS, Siamopoulos KC. Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome induced chronic renal dysfunction. Am J Nephrol 19: 709, 1999. pdf
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- Bairaktari E, Elisaf M, Katopodis K, Milionis H, Tzallas C, Katsaraki A, Siamopoulos KC, Tsolas O. Lipoprotein (a), apolipoprotein (a) phenotypes and tyroid autoimmunity in patients with renal failure. BALKAN J Clin Laboratory VI (5-6): 5-11, 1999.
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- Briasoulis E, Judson I, Pavlidis N, Beale P, Wanders J, Groot Y, Veerman G, Schuessler M, Niebch G, Siamopoulos KC, Tzamakou E, Rammou D, Wolf L, Walker R, Hanauske A. Phase I trial of 6-hour infusion of glufosfamide, a new alkylating agent with potentially enhanced selectivity for tumors that overexpress transmembrane glucose transporters: a study of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cencer Early Clinical Studies Group. J Clin Oncol 18: 3535-3544, 2000.pdf
- Elisaf M, Rizos E, Siamopoulos KC. Potassium excretion indices in the diagnostic approach to hypokalaemia. QJM, 93: 318-319, 2000. pdf
- Nikas S, Rizos E, Milionis H, Bairaktari E, Kalaitzidis R, Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf M. The effects of the addition of losartan on uric acid metabolism in patients receiving indapamide. J Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst 3(1):289-291, 2000.
- Bairaktari ET, Milionis HJ, Katopodis K, Tzallas Ch, Tselepis AD, Tsolas O, Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf MS. Lipoprotein (a), apoliporotein (a) phenotypes, and thyroid autoimmunity in uremic patients. Endocrinol 10: 383-388, 2000.
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- Kitsiou V, Konstantinidis A, Siamopoulos KC. Chronic renal failure and periodontal disease. Ren Fail 22(3): 307-318, 2000. pdf
- Elisaf M, Katopodis K, Siamopoulos KC. Renal abnormalities in Sickle-Cell beta-Thalassemia. Am J Hematol 66: 68-69, 2001. pdf
- Fotopoulos AD, Katopodis K, Balafa O, Katsaraki A, Kalaitzidis R, Siamopoulos KC. Individual renal function in polycystic kidney disease: a follow-up study. Clin Nucl Med 26(6): 518-524, 2001. pdf
- Bouba I, Koptides M, Mean R, Costi C-E, Demetriou K, Georgiou I, Pierides A, Siamopoulos KC, Deltas C.C. Novel PKD1 deletions and missense variants in a cohort of Hellenic polycystic kidney disease families. Eur J Hum Genet 9: 677-684, 2001.pdf
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- Bairaktari E, Elisaf M, Tzallas Ch, Karabina S-A, Tselepis AD, Siamopoulos KC, Tsolas O. Evaluation of five methods for determining low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in hemodialysis patients. Clin Biochem 34: 593-602, 2001. pdf
- Elisaf M, Liberopoulos E, Bairaktari E, Siamopoulos KC. Hypokalaemia in alcoholic patients. Drug Alcohol Rev 21: 73-76, 2002. pdf
- Milionis HJ, Rizos E, Liamis G, Nikas S, Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf MS. Acid-base and electrolyte disturbances in patients with hypercalcemia. South Med J 95: 1280-1287, 2002.
- Siamopoulos KC. Microalbuminuria: a major risk factor for cardiovascular complications. New Frontiers in Hypertension, 9: 1-4, 2003 (Invited Review).
- Katsanos KH, Christodoulou DK, Economou M, Rizou M, Theodorou J, Pappas H, Siamopoulos KC, Tsianos EV. Colonoscopy outcome, safety and efficacy of colon cleansing in chronic renal failure. Ann Gastroenterol 16(1): 53-59, 2003.
- Katsanos KH, Theodorou I, Boboyanni H, Kostoula A, Siamopoulos KC, Tsianos EV. Serum CMV IgM positivity in acute hepatitis A: facto or fallacy? Ann Gastroenterol 16(1): 86-87, 2003.
- Katopodis KP, Koliousi EL, Andrikos EK, Pappas MV, Elisaf MS, Siamopoulos KC. Magnesium homeostatsis in patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis: role of the dialysate magnesium concentration. Artif Organs 27(9): 853-857, 2003. pdf
- Bouba I, Makrydimas G, Kalaitzidis R, Lolis DE, Siamopoulos KC, Georgiou I. Interaction between the polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin system in preeclampsia. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 110: 8-11, 2003. pdf
- Karabina S-A, Pappas H, Miltiadous G, Bairaktari E, Christides D, Tselepis A, Elisaf M, Siamopoulos KC. Compositional lipoprotein changes and low-density lipoprotein susceptibility to oxidation in chronic renal failure patients with heavy proteinuria. Nephron Clin Pract 95: c77-c83, 2003. pdf
- Liberopoulos E, Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf M. Apolipoprotein E and renal disease. Am J Kidney Dis 43: 223-233, 2004. pdf
- Liberopoulos EN, Miltiadous GA, Cariolou M, Tselepis AD, Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf MS. The influence of serum apolipoprotein E concentration and polymorphism on serum lipid parameters in hemodialysis patients. Am J Kidney Dis 44(2):300-308, 2004.pdf
- Liberopoulos EN, Miltiadous GA, Cariolou M, Kalaitzidis R, Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf MS. Influence of apolipoprotein E polymorphisms on serum creatinine levels and predicted glomerular filtration rate in healthy subjects. Nephrol Dial Transplant 19(8):2006-2012, 2004. pdf
- Balafa OC, Karabina S-AP, Pappas CA, Elisaf M, Tselepis AD, Siamopoulos KC. Urine of patients with nephrotic syndrome contains the plasma type of PAF-acetylhydrolase associated with lipoproteins. Nephron Phsyiol 97:45-52, 2004 . pdf
- Siamopoulos KC. Fabry disease: Kidney involvement and enzyme replacement therapy. Kidney Int 65: 744-753, 2004 (Nephrology Forum). pdf
- Katsanos KH, Theodorou J, Katopodis KP, Siamopoulos KC. Spontaneous splenic rupture complicating pancreatitis in a chronic hemodialysis patient. Clinical Nephrology 61(6):448-449, 2004. pdf
- Bairaktari ET, Tzallas Ch, Kalientzidou M, Tselepis AD, Siamopoulos KC, Seferiadis KI, Elisaf MS. Evaluation of alternative calculation methods for determining low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in hemodialysis patients. Clin Biochem 37:937-940, 2004.pdf
- Katopodis KP, Elisaf M, Balafa O, Nikolopoulos P, Bairaktari E, Katsaraki A, Siamopoulos KC. Influence of the type of membrane and heparin on serum lipid parameters during a dialysis session: a pilot study. Am J Nephrol 24(5): 469-473, 2004. pdf
- Passadakis P, Ersoy F, Tam P, Memmos D, Siamopoulos KC, Ozener C, Akcicek F, Camsari T, Ates K, Ataman R, Vlachojannis J, Dombros N, Utas C, Akpolat T, Bozfakioglu S, Wu GG, Karayaylali I, Arinsoy T, Stathakis C, Yavuz M, Tsakiris D, Dimitriades A, Yilmaz ME, Gultekin M, Karayalcin B, Challa A, Polat N, Oreopoulos DG. Serum levels of prostate-specific antigen and vitamin D in peritoneal dialysis patients. Adv Perit Dial 20:203-8, 2004.
- Mitrogianni Z, Barbouti A, Galaris D, Siamopoulos KC. Tyrosine nitration in plasma proteins from patients undergoing hemodialysis. Am J Kidney Dis 44:286-292, 2004.pdf
- Gouva Ch, Nikolopoulos P, Ioannindis JPA, Siamopoulos KC. Treating anema early in renal failure patients slows the decline of renal function: A randomized controlled trial. Kidney Int 66:753-760, 2004. pdf
- Liberopoulos EN, Papavasiliou E, Miltiadous GA, Cariolou M, Siamopoulos KC, Tselepis AD, Elisaf MS. Alterations of paraoxonase and platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase activities in patients on peritoneal dialysis. Perit Dial Int 24:580-589, 2004.pdf
- Katopodis K, Katsanos KH, Tsianos EV, Siamopoulos KC. Hyperamylasemia as manifestation of gastrointestinal involvement in adult type Henoch-Schonlein purpura. Ann Gastroenterol 17(3):303-305, 2004. pdf
- Tzamaloukas AH, Rohrscheib M, Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf MS, Spalding CT. Serum tonicity, extracellular volume and clinical manifestations in symptomatic dialysis-associated hyperglycemica treated only with insulin. Int J Artif Organs 27: 751-758, 2004. pdf
- Tzamaloukas AH, Rohrscheib M, Ing TS, Siamopoulos KC, Qualls C, Elisaf MS, Vanderjagt DJ, Spalding CT. Serum postassium and acid-base parameters in severe dialysis-associated hyperglycemia treated with insulin therapy. Int J Artif Organs 28(3):229-236, 2005. pdf
- Papavasiliou EC, Gouva C, Siamopoulos KC, Tselepis AD. Erythrocyte PAF-acetylhydrolase activity in various stages of chronic kidney disease: effect of long term therapy with erythropoietin. Kidney Int 68 (2): 246-255, 2005. pdf
- Kalaitzidis R, Tsimihodimos V, Bairaktari E, Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf M. Disturbances of phosphate metabolism: another feature of metabolic syndrome. Am J Kidney Dis 45(5): 851-858, 2005. pdf
- Katopodis KP, Chala A, Koliousi E, Takouli L, Kalaitzidis R, Theodorou J, Siamopoulos KC. Role of the dialyzer membrane on the overall phosphate kinetics during hemodialysis. Blood Purif 23: 359-364, 2005. pdf
- Katopodis KP, Andrikos E, Pappas M, Siamopoulos KC: Effectiveness of aluminum hydroxide timing administration in relation to meals in controlling hyperphosphatemia in dialysis patients. Int J Aritf Organs 28(8): 803-807, 2005. pdf
- Katsanos KH, Kostoula A, Katopodis KP, Siamopoulos KC. Phantom cytomegalovirus infection in vasculitis patients: what it means and what to do. Rheumatol Int 25(8): 631-632, 2005. pdf
- Bristoyannis G, Germanos N, Grekas D, Hatzidimitriou C, Iatrou C, memmos D, Moutafis S, Papachristoforou K, Papadoniou A, Pappas M, Sakellariou GA, Siamopoulos KC, Sombolos K, Stamatelou K, Stahtakis CP, Stabgiannoudakis G, Stratigis S, Syrganis C, Tsakiris D, Valis D, Vlahojannis JG, Vlassopoulos D. Unit dosing of darbepoetin alfa for the treatment of anemia in patients with end-stage renal disease being switched from recombinant human erythropoietin: Results of a phase IIIb, 27-week, multicenter, open-label study in Greek patients. Curr Ther Res Clin Exp 66: 195-211, 2005.
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- Markou N, Kanakaki M, Myrianthefs P, Hadjiyanakos D, Vlassopoulos D, Damianos A, Siamopoulos KC, Vasiliou M, Konstantopoulos St. Sleep-disordered breathing in non-dialysed patients with chronic renal failure. Lung 184 (1): 43-49, 2006.pdf
- Katopodis KP, Andrikos EK, Gouva CD, Bairaktari ET, Nikolopoulos PM, Takouli LK, Tzallas CS, Elisaf MS, Pappas MV, Siamopoulos KC. Sevelarer hydrochloride versus aluminium hydroxide: effect on serum phosphorus and lipids in CAPD patients. Perit Dial Int 26 (3): 320-327, 2006 pdf
- Papavasiliou EC, Gouva C, Siamopoulos KC, Tselepis AD. PAF-acetylhydrolase activity in plasma of patietns with chronic kidney disese. Effect of lon-term therapy with eryhtorpoietin. Nephrol Dial Transplant 21(5): 1270-1277, 2006. pdf
- Harissis HV, Katsios CS, Koliousi EL, Ikonomou MG, Siamopoulos KC, Fatouros M, Kappas AM. A new simplified one port laparoscipic technique of peritoneal dialysis catheter placement with intra-abdominal fixation. Am J Surg 192: 125-129, 2006.pdf
- Katopodis KP, Katsios CG, Koliousi EL, Nastos DS, Siamopoulos KC. Life-threatening hemorrhage from abdominal aorta following a percultaneous renal biopsy. Clin Nephrol 65: 446-448, 2006. pdf
- Siamopoulos KC, Gouva C, Katopodis KP, Tzallas C, Nikolopoulos P, Papavasiliou EC, Tselepis AD. Long-term treatment with EPO increase serum levels of high-density lipoprotein in patients with CKD. Am J Kidney Dis 48: 242-249, 2006.pdf
- Chatzikyriakidou A, Sofikitis N, Kalfakakou V, Siamopoulos KC, Georgiou I. Evidence for association of SLC7A9 gene haplotypes with cystinuria manifestation in SLC7A9 mutation carriers. Urol Res 34:299-303, 2006. pdf
- Tsimihodimos V, Gazi I, Kalaitzidis R, Elisaf M, Siamopoulos KC. Increased serum ferritin concentrations and liver enzyme activities in patients with metabolic symdorme. Metab Synd Relat Disord 4: 196-203, 2006. pdf
- Dounousi E, Papavasiliou E, Makedou A, Ioannou K, Katopodis KP, Tselepis A, Siamopoulos KC, Tsakiris D. Oxidative stress is progressively enhanced with advancing stages of CKD. Am J Kidney Dis 48: 752-760, 2006. pdf
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- Zanchetti A, Julius S, Kjeldsen S, McInnes GT, Jua T, Weber M, Laragh JH, Plat F, Battegay E, Calvo-Vargas C, Cieslinski A, Degaute JP, Holwerda NJ, Kobalava J, Pedersen OL, Rudyatmoki FP, Siamopoulos KC, Storset O. Outcomes in subgroups of hypertensive patients treated with regimens based on valsartan and amlodipine: an analysis of findings form the VALUE trial. J Hypertens 24: 2163-2168, 2006.pdf
- Katopodis KP, Koliousi E, Gouva Ch, Balafa O, Bairaktari E, Ikonomou M, Elisaf MS, Siamopoulos KC. Acute effect of heparin on lipid parameters in patients on renal replacement therapy. ASAIO J 53:46-49, 2007. pdf
- Goumenos DS, Katopodis KP, Passadakis P, Vardaki E, Liakopoulos V, Dafnis I, Stefanidis I, Vargemezis V, Vlachojannis JG, Siamopoulos KC. Cortiocosteroids and ciclosporin A in idiopathic membranous nephropathy: higher remission rates of nephrotic syndrome and less adverse reactions than after traditional treatment with cytotoxic drugs. Am J Nephrol 27:226-231, 2007. pdf
- Psihogios NG, Kalaitzidis RG, Dimou S, Seferiadis KI, Siamopoulos KC, Bairaktari ET. Evaluation of tubulointerstitial lesions' severity in patients with glomerulonephritides: an NMR-based metabonomic study. J Proteome Res 6:3760-3770, 2007.pdf
- Biesen WV, Locatelli F, Prata MM, Wauters JP, Debska-Slizien A, Mauri JM, Metsarinne K, Mircescu G, Siamopoulos KC, Stel VS, Will E, Del Vecchio L, Zoccali C, Jager KG. The QUEST initiative anemia study in transplant patients: rationale and study protocol. J Nephrol 20:543-546, 2007. pdf
- Del Vecchio L, Locatelli F, Prata MM, Wauters JP, Debska-Slizien A, Mauri JM, Metsarinne K, Mircescu G, Siamopoulos KC, Stel VS, Will E, Biesen WV, Jager KG, Zoccali C. The QUEST initiative anemia study in ESRD: rationale and study protocol. J Nephrol 20: 547-553, 2007. pdf
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- Tzamaloukas AH, Ing TS, Siamopoulos KC, Rohrscheib M, Elisaf MS, Raj DS, Murata GH. Body fluid abnormalities in severe hyperlgycemia in patients on chronic dialysis: theoretical analysis. J Diabetes Complications 21(6): 374-380, 2007. pdf
- Milionis HJ, Kostapanos MS, Vakalis K, Theodorou I, Bouba I, Kalaitzidis R, Georgiou I, Elisaf M, Siamopoulos KC. Impact of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system genes on the treatment of patients with hypertension and metabolic syndrome. J Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst 8(4): 181-189, 2007 pdf
- Tselepis A, Siamopoulos KC. Effect of long-term epoetin treatment on serum levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and HDL-associated enzymes in patients with chronic kidney disease. Eur Renal Dis 2:34-36, 2007 pdf
- Pappas KD, Gouva CD, Katopodis KP, Nikolopoulos PM, Korantzopoulos PG, Michalis LK, Goudevenos JA, Siamopoulos KC. Correction of anemia with erythropoietin in chronic kidney disease (stage 3 or 4): effects on cardiac performance. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 22(1): 37-44, 2008 pdf
- Tzamaloukas AH, Ing TS, Siamopoulos KC, Rohrscheib M, Elisaf M, Raj DSC, Murate GH. Body fluid abnormalities is severe hyperglycemia in patients on chronic dialysis. Review of published reports. J Diab Compl 22(1): 29-37, 2008 pdf
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- Doulias P-T, Vlachou Ch, Boudouri Ch, Kanavaros P, Siamopoulos KC, Galaris D. Flow cytometric estimation of "labile iron pool" in human white blood cells reveals a positive association with ageing. Free Radic Res 42(3): 253-259, 2008 pdf
- Tsimihodimos V, Dounousi E, Siamopoulos KC. Dyslipidemia in chronic kidney disease: An approach to pathogenesis and treatment. Am J Nephrol 28:958-973, 2008 pdf
- Tzamaloukas AH, Ing TS, Siamopoulos KC, Raj DC, Elisaf MS, Rohrcheib M, Murata GH. Pathophysiology and management of fluid and electrolyte disturbances in patients on chronic dialysis with severe hyperglycemia. Semim Dial 21(5): 431-439, 2008 pdf
- Siamopoulos KC, Kalaitzidis R. Inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system and chronic kidney disease. Intern Urol Nephrol 40: 1015-1025, 2008 pdf
- Katopodis KP, Mitsis M, Triantou EG, Fatouros M, Siamopoulos KC. Splenic abscess in patients on renal replacement therapy. Clin Nephrol 69(6): 464-465, 2008
- Katopodis KP, Dounousi E, Challa A, Pappas K, Kalaitzidis R, Siamopoulos KC. Switch from conventional to every other day hemodialysis: a comparison pilot study. ASAIO J 55(1): 41-46, 2009 pdf
- Liberopoulos EN, Florentin M, Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf M. A patient with new-onset hypercholesterolemia. J Clin Lipidol 3(2): 143-145, 2009 pdf
- Mitrogianni Z, Barbouti A, Galaris D, Siamopoulos KC. Oxidative modification of albumin in predialysis, hemodialysis, and peritoneal dialysis patients. Nephron Clin Pract 113: c234-c240, 2009 pdf
- Lionaki S, Siamopoulos KC, Theodorou I, Papadimitraki E, Bertsias G, Boumpas D, Boletis J. Inhibition of tumour necrosis factor alpha in idiopathic membranous nephropathy: a pilot study. Nephrol Dial Transplant 24: 2144-2150, 2009 pdf
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- Katsanos KH, Katopodis KP, Kosmidou M, Siamopoulos KC, Tsianos EV. Leptospira interrogans icterhaemorrhagiae in a patient with Crohn’s disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis 23, 2010 pdf
- Andrikos A, Iatrou C, Boletis JN, Diamandopoulos A, Katsinas C, Kalaitzidis K, Siamopoulos KC. Evolution of Fabry disease in male patients: the Greek experience. Clin Nephrol 73(1): 58-63, 2010 pdf
- Tzamaloukas AH, Ing TS, Elisaf MS, Raj DSC, Siamopoulos KC, Rohrscheib M, Murata GH. Abnormalities of serum potassium concentration in dialysis-associated hyperglycemia and their correction with insulin: review of published reports. Int Urol Nephrol, 2010 pdf
- Tzamaloukas AH, Ing TS, Elisaf MS, Raj DS, Siamopoulos KC, Rohrscheib M, Murata GH. Abnormalities of serum potassium concentration in dialysis-associated hyperglycemia and their correction with insulin: a unique clinical/physiologic exercise in internal potassium balance. Int Urol Nephrol, 42(4): 1015-1022, 2010 pdf
- Andrikos E, Iatrou Ch, Boletis J, Diamandopoulos A, Katsinas Ch, Ouzouni A, Falinas A, Xaidara A, Tseke P, Pappas M, Siamopoulos KC. Clinical appearance and management of Fabry Nephropathy in Greece. BANTAO Journal 8(2):75-80, 2010 pdf
- Kei A, Liberopoulos E, Siamopoulos KC, Elisaf M. A patient with exentatide-associated acute-on-chronic renal failure requiring hemodialysis. Cardiovasc Cont 2: 14-16, 2011pdf
- Kalaitzidis R, Siamopoulos KC. The role of obesity in kidney disease: recent findings and potential mechanisms. Int Urol Nephrol 43:771-784, 2011 pdf
- Kaltsouda A, Skapinakis P, Damigos D,Ikonomou M, Kalaitzidis R, Mavreas V, Siamopoulos KC. Defensive coping and health-related quality of life in chronic kidney disease: a cross-sectional study. BMC Nephrology 12: 28, 2011 pdf
- Dounousi E, Mitsis M, Spanos G, Pappas C, Koutlas V, Tzalavra I, Xarisis C, Glantzounis G, Fatouros M, Siamopoulos KC. Assessment of nonimmunologic factors in kidney transplant recipients according to kidney disease improving global outcomes. Transplant Proc. Nov;44(9):2709-11, 2012 pdf
- Dounousi E, Koliousi E, Papagianni A, Ioannou K, Zikou X, Katopodis K, Kelesidis A, Tsakiris D, Siamopoulos KC. Mononuclear leukocyte apoptosis and inflammatory markers in patients with chronic kidney disease. Am J Nephrol 36: 531-536, 2012 pdf
- Spanos G, Kalaitzidis R, Karasavvidou D, Pappas K, Siamopoulos KC. Efficacy of aliskiren and valsartan in hypertensive patients with albuminuria: a randomized parallel-group study. J Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Syst. 2012 pdf
- Kalaitzidis RG, Karasavvidou D, Siamopoulos KC. Renal Sympathetic Denervation and Renal Physiology. Curr Clin Pharmacol 2012
- Katopodis KP, Fotopoulos AD, Balafa OC, Tsiouris ST, Triandou EG, Al-Bokharhli JB, Kitsos AC, Dounousi EC, Siamopoulos KC. Estimation of Residual Peritoneal Volume using Technetium-99m Sulfur Colloid Scintigraphy.ASAIO J. 2015 May 1
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- Dounousi E, Mitsis M, Naka KK, Pappas C, Lakkas L, Harisis C, Pappas K, Koutlas V, Tzalavra I, Spanos G, Michalis LK, Siamopoulos KC Differences in cardiac structure assessed by echocardiography between renal transplant recipients and chronic kidney disease patients.Transplant Proc. 2014 Nov;46(9):3194-8. doi: 10.1016/j.transproceed.2014.10.034.
- Sombolos K, Tsakiris D, Boletis J, Vlahakos D, Siamopoulos KC, Vargemezis V, Nikolaidis P, Iatrou C, Dafnis E, Xynos K, Argyropoulos C. Multicenter epidemiological study to assess the population of CKD patients in Greece: results from the PRESTAR study.PLoS One. 2014 Nov 18;9(11):e112767. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112767. eCollection 2014.
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- Kalaitzidis RG, Damigos D, Siamopoulos KC. Environmental and stressful factors affecting the occurrence of kidney stones and the kidney colic.Int Urol Nephrol. 2014 Sep;46(9):1779-84. doi: 10.1007/s11255-014-0758-2. Epub 2014 Jun 14. Review.
- Balafa O, Koundouris S, Mitsis M, Siamopoulos KC. An unusual case of hemoperitoneum: spontaneous rectus sheath hematoma.Perit Dial Int. 2014 Jan-Feb;34(1):134-5. doi: 10.3747/pdi.2012.00178.
- Stel VS, Ioannou K, Brück K, Dounousi E, Pappas K, Siamopoulos KC, Zoccali C, Jager KJ, Tsakiris D. Longitudinal association of body mass index and waist circumference with left ventricular mass in hypertensive predialysis chronic kidney disease patients. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2013 Nov;28 Suppl 4:iv136-45. doi: 10.1093/ndt/gft356. Epub 2013 Sep 18.
- Tsioufis C, Tsiachris D, Kasiakogias A, Dimitriadis K, Petras D, Goumenos D, Siamopoulos K, Stefanadis C. Preclinical cardiorenal interrelationships in essential hypertension. Cardiorenal Med. 2013 Apr;3(1):38-47. doi: 10.1159/000346817.
- Georgios Spanos, Haralampos V. Harissis, Evangelia Dounousi, Michalis Mitsis, Haralampos Pappas, Georgios K. Georgiou, Kostas C. Siamopoulos, Michalis Fatouros A case of encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis presented shortly after renal transplantation CEN Case Rep (2014) 3:40–43 DOI 10.1007/s13730-013-0079-9
- Sophia Lionaki, Smaragdi Marinaki, Lydia Nakopoulou, Chrysanthi Skalioti, Aliki Iniotaki, Petros P. Sfikakis, Costas Siamopoulos, John Boletis Depletion of B Lymphocytes in Idiopathic Membranous Glomerulopathy: Results from Patients with Extended Follow-Up Nephron Extra 2013;3:1–11 DOI: 10.1159/000345487 Published online: January 5, 2013
- Olga Balafa, Rigas Kalaitzidis & Kostas C. Siamopoulos Optimal Medical Management in Patients with Renovascular Hypertension ISSN 1175-3277 Am J Cardiovasc Drugs DOI 10.1007/s40256-013-0011-x
- Eleni Ermeidi, Olga Balafa, Giorgos Spanos, Anastasia Zikou, Maria Argyropoulou, Kostas C. Siamopoulos Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome: A Noteworthy Syndrome in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients Nephron Clin Pract 2013;123:180–184 DOI: 10.1159/000353731
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